European Lisp Symposium

- 2014, Paris
(and online)
The conference is over!


  • Lisp for Music Technology

    • photo Dimitri Bouche Dimitri Bouche (SPEAKER)
    • photo Jean Bresson Jean Bresson (SPEAKER)
    • photo Christophe Rhodes Christophe Rhodes Goldsmiths University of London (COMMITTEE SPEAKER) United Kingdom
    • photo Max Rottenkolber Max Rottenkolber (SPEAKER)
    • photo Jérôme Nika Jérôme Nika (SPEAKER)
    • photo Robert Piéchaud Robert Piéchaud (SPEAKER)

    Numerous Lisp-based musical systems have been developed and used in the past. However, Lisp usage has been progressively discontinued with the development of new branches in mainstream computer music such as digital signal processing, real-time systems or distributed multimedia computing. The power and expressivity of Lisp make it a valuable language to musicians for exploring high-level compositional processes, and this language remains a fundamental support for computer-aided composition research and creation at Ircam. In this session we propose to present an overview of current computer-aided music composition projects, and discuss with ELS attendees the challenges, issues and perspectives for using Lisp in aforementioned music technologies.

  • Making Creativity: Software as Creative Partner

    • photo Richard Gabriel Richard P. Gabriel (SPEAKER)

    Programming, software development, and software engineering: We are taught to solve puzzles and do what we’re told. We carry these lessons into our jobs and careers without deliberation. Old fashioned software engineering aims to make no mistakes; agile aims to render programmers compliant, and commands them make money for their bosses. For the past year I’ve been exploring what creativity means during the act of writing, and I’ve been doing it by constructing a software partner that acts as a scientific engine of discovery — a partner that displays a flair for the strange that even the most daring poets can rarely match. I don’t have requirements, I don’t have specifications, and I normally don’t have a plan much beyond a guess. If my program doesn’t surprise me, I cry “failure!” and lament. I’ll explore what programming is, how software can act as a collaborator, show you how the agile practices are like training wheels, and explain how a program can astound. All in Lisp, of course.

  • Parallel Programming with Lisp for Performance

    • photo Pascal Costanza Pascal Costanza (SPEAKER)

    This presentation gives an overview of parallel programming constructs and primitives, and how they can be used efficiently from within Common Lisp. The focus of this talk is on taking advantage of multi-core processors for improving the performance of algorithms. For this reason, the most important techniques for achieving efficiency in general will also be covered. The presentation will be based on examples from high performance and life sciences computing.

  • Sending Beams into the Parallel Cube

    • photo Gábor Melis Gábor Melis (SPEAKER)

    We send probes into the topic hypercube bounded by machine learning, parallelism, software and contests, demonstrate existing and sketch future Lisp infrastructure, pin the future and foreign arrays down. We take a seemingly random walk along the different paths, watch the scenery of pairwise interactions unfold and piece a puzzle together. In the purely speculative thread, we compare models of parallel computation, keeping an eye on their applicability and lisp support. In the the Python and R envy thread, we detail why lisp could be a better vehicle for scientific programming and how high performance computing is eroding lisp's largely unrealized competitive advantages. Switching to constructive mode, a basic data structure is proposed as a first step. In the machine learning thread, lisp's unparalleled interactive capabilities meet contests, neural networks cross threads and all get in the way of the presentation.


photo IRCAM (CONFERENCE) place Igor-Stravinsky 1 75004 Paris France



Programme Chair

  • photo Kent Pitman Kent Pitman Hypermeta Inc. (PROGRAMME-CHAIR) USA

Organizing Chair

Local Chair

  • photo Didier Verna Didier Verna EPITA / LRE (ORGANIZING-CHAIR LOCAL-CHAIR) France
  • photo Gérard Assayag Gérard Assayag IRCAM, UMR STMS (CNRS, UPMC) (LOCAL-CHAIR) France


  • photo António Leitão António Leitão Instituto Superior Técnico Universidade de Lisboa (COMMITTEE SPEAKER) Portugal
  • photo Charlotte Herzeel Charlotte Herzeel IMEC ExaScience Life Lab (COMMITTEE) Leuven Belgium
  • photo Christophe Rhodes Christophe Rhodes Goldsmiths University of London (COMMITTEE SPEAKER) United Kingdom
  • photo Giuseppe Attardi Giuseppe Attardi Università di Pisa (COMMITTEE) Italy
  • photo Marie Beurton-Aimar Marie Beurton-Aimar LaBRI University of Bordeaux (COMMITTEE) France
  • photo Olin Shivers Olin Shivers Northeastern University (COMMITTEE) USA
  • photo Pierre Parquier Pierre Parquier IBM France Lab (COMMITTEE) Paris France
  • photo Rainer Joswig Rainer Joswig (COMMITTEE) Hamburg Germany
  • photo Taiichi Yuasa Taiichi Yuasa Kyoto University (COMMITTEE) Japan

Local Organizers

  • photo Daniela Becker Daniela Becker EPITA Research and Development Laboratory (LOCAL-ORGANIZER) France
  • photo Sylvie Benoit Sylvie Benoit IRCAM (LOCAL-ORGANIZER) France France


Times are local to the conference. You can download the programme in iCalendar format here.
  1. May 4th

  2. Welcome Reception and Pre-Registration

  3. May 5th

  4. Registration

  5. Welcome Message

  6. Making Creativity: Software as Creative Partner

    • Richard Gabriel
  7. Coffee

  8. CLAUDE - The Common Lisp Library Audience Expansion Toolkit

    • Nick Levine
  9. ASDF3, or Why Lisp is Now an Acceptable Scripting Language

    • François-René Rideau
  10. Generalizers: New Metaobjects for Generalized Dispatch

    • Christophe Rhodes
    • Jan Moringen
    • David Lichteblau
  11. Lunch

  12. Parallel Programming with Lisp for Performance

    • Pascal Costanza
  13. Coffee

  14. web-mode.el, heterogeneous recursive code parsing with Emacs Lisp

    • François-Xavier Bois
  15. The OMAS Multi-Agent Platform

    • Jean-Paul Barthés
  16. Yet Another Wiki

    • Alain Marty
  17. Lightning Talks

  18. May 6th

  19. Sending Beams into the Parallel Cube

    • Gábor Melis
  20. Coffee

  21. High performance concurrency in Common Lisp - hybrid transactional memory with STMX

    • Massimiliano Ghilardi
  22. A functional approach for disruptive event discovery and policy monitoring in mobility scenarios

    • Ignasi Gómez-Sebastià
    • Luis Oliva
    • Sergio Alvarez-Napagao
    • Dario Garcia-Gasulla
    • Arturo Tejeda
    • Javier Vazquez
  23. A Racket-Based Robot to Teach First-Year Computer Science

    • Franco Raimondi
    • Giuseppe Primiero
    • Kelly Androutsopoulos
    • Nikos Gorogiannis
    • Martin Loomes
    • MIchael Margolis
    • Puja Varsani
    • Nick Weldin
    • Alex Zivanovic
  24. Lunch

  25. A Need for Multilingual Names

    • Jean-Paul Barthés
  26. An Implementation of Python for Racket

    • Pedro Ramos
    • António Leitão
  27. Defmacro for C: Lightweight, Ad Hoc Code Generation

    • Kai Selgrad
    • Alexander Lier
    • Markus Wittmann
    • Daniel Lohmann
    • Marc Stamminger
  28. Coffee

  29. Lisp for Music Technology

    • Dimitri Bouche
    • Jean Bresson
    • Christophe Rhodes
    • Max Rottenkolber
    • Jérôme Nika
    • Robert Piéchaud
  30. Lightning Talks

  31. Conference End

  32. Conference Dinner


You can find the proceedings in PDF form here:


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